Flagstaff Vacation Portraits are totally a thing! Being so close to the Grand Canyon, Sedona and being right on Route 66 creates an amazing opportunity for families from all over the globe to come into our studio and get pictures of everyone together! Especially when you’re not together all the time! For this particular family, Grandma came to visit all the way from Germany! Her family surprised her with this photography experience and everyone was all smiles.

The Neumann family called Robin a little last minute to set up a surprise photography session for their Grandma’s 80th birthday. And of course, she doesn’t make it to the states very often so, why not do some Flagstaff vacation portraits? This entire family spoke German fluently! And while Robin didn’t necessarily understand what they were saying, this family was all laughter and smiles. She definitely captured the fun family dynamic they had.

At one point, someone asked if Grandma could take a break so she could go get some beer. Luckily for her, we have beer right here in the studio! She chose a local hefeweizen that we had and promptly shouted “LECKER!” and raised her bottle. Everyone answered, “LECKER!” back and started laughing, leaving us a little stunned. “Liquor?”, we asked. We then learned that in German, ‘lecker’ means YUMMY! We’re so glad she thought our local beer was so delicious!

If you and your family, no matter where you’re from, find yourself together in Flagstaff, consider some portraits with The R2 Studio! Our downtown studio is the perfect spot to come together and take advantage of the rare opportunity that everyone is together. We can also take advantage of some of the amazing scenery we have here as well! Flagstaff Vacation Portraits may be what the walls of your home are looking for!

Flagstaff vacation photographer

Flagstaff vacation photographer

vacation portraits flagstaff

vacation portraits flagstaff

downtown flagstaff photographer

downtown flagstaff photographer

family photographer flagstaff

family photographer flagstaff

flagstaff vacation portrait

flagstaff vacation portrait